The Search.
The Search.
He controls each of them
In some he is lucky and in
others no.
Around him people are all
busy, chatting buying and dumping.
No one seems to care, yes
everyone has his own problems.
It's a busy world no time to
waste on lunatics.
In his tattered jeans and worn
out shoes he continues his search.
As people shift, his stink too
much to stand.
Yet his worries seem nothing
compared to theirs.
Once again his hand goes deep
into one of the bins,
Ah atlast his eyes brighten up
with his trophy;
Some crumbs of left over
pizza, discarded by an overfed stomach.
He sinks his teeth into the
crunch, every bite munches aways his hunger.
This man is oblivious to all
the gliterring around,
while lights of latest cell
phones flash and people worry, his hunger is satisfied.
The dust bin is his lunch
Munteh, 23.10.2018
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