Corona Virus: An Eye Opener, An Opportunity

Greetings of love and peace to everyone out there and especially to Africa and it's people. I am a Cameroonian living in Madrid. As you all know Madrid is taking strict measures against Corona virus. All schools have been closed down and teachers and students will have to work from home and online. All of Spain in a few days will be completely shut down in a state of national health emergency, a pandemia. We saw it coming. At first we thought corana virus was a chinese problem. China and some of her neighbours came under the heat and were first to be struck hard by the virus. Italy has taken the lead in Europe, closing down schools and even closing down borders. Now Spain is taking up the flag. It seems countries are taking it in turns to host the virus and wrestle with the havoc it wreaks. So, the question is, who is next? As I have said several times before, if the world isn't safe for everyone, it won't be safe for anyone. Any ilusion of safety, national wellbeing ...