Corona Virus: An Eye Opener, An Opportunity

Greetings of love and peace to everyone out there and especially to Africa and it's people. I am a Cameroonian living in Madrid. As you all know Madrid is taking strict measures against Corona virus. All schools have been closed down and teachers and students will have to work from home and online. All of Spain in a few days will be completely shut down in a state of national health emergency, a pandemia.
We saw it coming. At first we thought corana virus was a chinese problem. China and some of her neighbours came under the heat and were first to be struck hard by the virus. Italy has taken the lead in Europe, closing down schools and even closing down borders. Now Spain is taking up the flag. It seems countries are taking it in turns to host the virus and wrestle with the havoc it wreaks. So, the question is, who is next?
As I have said several times before, if the world isn't safe for everyone, it won't be safe for anyone. Any ilusion of safety, national wellbeing and prosperity that doesn't take into account the others, is just what it is, an ilusion , and a temporary one of course.
The globe has never been smaller than it is now in this globalised world. Everything is virtual, and most things are virtually immediately available with just a click. Travel is also made easy. The good and the not so good is immediately made available to everyone around the globe, rich or poor, like it or not.
However, in this so called global market, others have the monopoly of sales while others are condemned by the same system to be eternal consumers and to think that there are no other alternatives, depend or die. Is that really true? The biggest problem is that the more you consume the more you are hooked and you start actually believing that you have no choice. Be warned. You have a choice. Reduce your surperflous needs and you reduce your dependency.

Everything seems cheap in the global market, but it's only an ilusion, even death is cheap as Corona virus will demonstrate. And what is worse, the price is paid by some and the wages carried home by others. The poor pay the heavy price and the powerful only strengthen their hold and position over the others.
Corona virus started in China and it is now spreading around the globe, just like any Chinese product.
Don't blame China, that's how the global market functions, it is open for exchange. The only option you have is to close your your mouth if you cannot close the market. Be a responsible consumer.Be a responsible global citizen.
However, let me warn the great nations, the sharks in this savage globalised sea. There's no safe haven for a any selected few!!!!
IF THE WORLD ISN'T SAFE FOR EVERYONE, IT WON'T BE SAFE FOR ANYONE. Corona virus is symptomatic in this effect. It only demonstrates what we have not been able to make so visible in other fields like the double standards on democracy and cooperation; one for the West and another for Africa and others. The same is true with our economic and immigration policies. Corona virus demonstrates the domino effect of a dependent globalised world. If one falls, the others will follow sooner or later.

That said, I turn my attention on the small fish in this wild sea, Africa and other developing countries. Charity begins at home. If you don't want to help yourself no body will help you.

Africa and African leaders, open your eyes for once. Think of your people and their welfare.
Let's fight Corona virus for ourselves, our children and above all for our dignity.
China closed down it's borders.
Italy has done so.
Spain is locked down.
The Great America has banned flights from Europe and other territories affected by the virus.
All these nations have the financial and material resources but fear that the impact of the virus is going to be devastating.
But we still hear of new imported cases being detected in Cameroon and other African nations. What are they waiting to close their own borders?
African nations do not have the resources and yet they are playing with this virus, they are delaying in taking measures. This will soon become an African problem..
And for the big nations who allow patients at risk, who have been exposed, people who are infected to travel out to poor countries, what good are you doing?
If the virus should make its home in Africa, many Africans will die but the world will never be at peace if we don't fight the virus collectively. If Africa is sick the world will be sick.
But let us, Africans rise as one man and fight this virus.

No fears, no worries.
It's a small enemy if we unite.
The only thing we should fear is panic, irresponsibility, negligence and the I the dont care attitude.
This is not the time to bllame China, nor to say it's witchcraft. It's not time either to go to fake pastors for healing. God helps those who help themselves.

The greatest and the best prayer that God asks of us now is a responsible life...Things as simple as Washing your hands, Coughing and sneezing into your inner elbows, avoiding big gatherings, travelling only if it is absolutely necessary, using disinfectants etc.
Africans in the diaspora, don't travel to Africa until this crisis is over. You might be a healthy carrier and will cause the death of many people.
Don't be generous with this virus.
People working at the airport and in public offices where they can enter in contact with infected people, don't greet with your hands,
Kiss with your hearts. Africa and Africans, you have a legendary fame of being a warmhearted, generous, solidarious and a welcoming people. Most often you have even preferred strangers and foreign things to your own people and things, but don't be fooled. This is not about nor against any body in particular. It is against a virus. It's above all about you and your safety. For once, it won't be politically incorrect to ask you to be selfish, to think about yourself.

We call on a civil crusad, on individual citizens in Africa to take the lead on the fight against CORONA VIRUS...
Be calm but responsible ....
We neither have the material means, the expertise, nor a responsible political class.
So, let's fight for ourselves and God will see us through.
Our ancestors held that he who is happy to be alone is a witch. You can't be happy alone. So, be your brothers' keepers, because neither Europe nor these old , failed and absent governments will help us. They have never had Africa and it's people at heart. Maybe this is our opportunity, let's hear the call of coronavirus and come together for a better world.
So, God help Africa!
J.T.V. King/15/03/2020


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