Ukraine: An Epitome of a Shameless Civilization
It's not Ukraine, it's you and it has always been about you. Yes, and it is a shame and a real scandal !
The Ukrainian war is just a mirror of the hypocrisy, cowardice and double standards of international diplomacy, a peephole into the disgraceful geopolitical game that controls the world.
Yes, shame on Putin, the mad one on duty who slanders and embarrasses the entire Russian people. All Russians are not murderers, but Putin is but he is not the only one.
If it is a shame to invade a sovereign nation, it is also a great shame to remain with folded arms and watch consummate the aggression without "doing anything".
Where is the great savior and protector of world liberties that lied in order to invade Iraq?
Where is France that sought all sorts of excuses and allies to invade and destabilize Libya?
Now, when it is time to defend freedom, democracy, a defenseless people and innocent lives against a scoundrel, there you are with nice words and threats that not only do not go anywherehere but have a back door to it.
And the West is seemly shocked and scandalised by the news of war, (as if it were the first time it was learning of the existence of a wars; but as the other wars are fought against other peoples far away from our boarders to guarantee the standards of living in the West, we close our eyes and hearts: what you don't see doesn't haunt you, out of sight, out of mind.
But this time around, we have no choice because the war is in our backyard and that does really frighten and worry us. I dare not say it serves us right, for I feel for the Ukrainian people but we have a chance to put ourselves in the shoes of others.
And the mainstream media fills its mouth with self-consoling comments to entertain and numb public opinion with the official version of who is right and who wrong, the bad guy and the victim and the good guy who is always in the West, "suffering" to save the victim, avenge and set things right.
It's surprising how many or the public opinion in the West swallows this dung. I don't know if it's out of lack of information, ignorance, short sightedness, or just bad faith, they believe their own lies.
But let's be clear here, there is no bad guy and there is no good guy in war, we only have victims, in this case, ukraine. Ukraine is not the problem, the West, Russia and the other players of this world power politics are the problem, its you, it's always been about you.
We know very well what all this is about: interests; national and territorial interest above all else and above whoever, our interests first. To guarantee our interests, we steal, loot, lie, kill, and we tolerate or give our accomplices permission to do the same. The paradox here is that the accomplice is not the ally but the rival.
The non-aggression pact is only between the world powers, call it the UN, NATO, EU, or hell, it doesn't matter, it's always about them, never about the poor or weaker nations, fuck the poor, to hell with the poor nations!!!
If you're the class jerk but you're "Rich and Brute," they'll respect you.
If you are "poor and weak", they will make you the fool of the class, they will invade you, they will turn your house upside down, they will loot you, they will kill your children and on top of that, they will accuse you of all sorts of things.
Will it be an exaggeration if I said that the West has had a hand directly or indirectly in most of the wars that have been fought around the globe in recent times?
This is the real scandal of our very modern civilization, a shameless civilization.
I don't know who to believe anymore. In the end Trump might be right, he made "love" and not war with Putin and Kim Jong-un and Xi Jinping. He was not the ideal politician, he was not politically correct in his manners and words, he was crazy, a public danger, but at least fewer lives were lost during his turn of public madness.
Maybe it's also true that in the world of madmen, the sane is the madman. I'm not saying that that gentleman is sane but I am just asking questions:
Who is the madman in the house? Here, it seems that everyone is mad: we say, do, and tolerate barbarities. It is really difficult to distinguish between personal madness and the different strategies in this whole game of madness.
It is a shame! Politicians, world leaders, for the most part, you are all a scam, a fraud and sons and daughters of the great whore called greed! We don't deserve this! The world needs something different!
But I have FAITH. I have faith that this will change someday. As always happens, each civilization that exceeds itself by its excesses, leads itself with each decision to self-destruction and in that way a new order is born.
Long live the civic revolution!
Long live development and peace!
Jude TV King.
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