Africa In Crisis and The Crisis of Africa.

Has Africa got a crisis or is Africa in crisis? The world now faces the Corona Virus crisis and Africa too. But every crisis in Africa is an added crisis. Whatever the case, a Crisis is a time not only for action but above all for reflections. We ask ourselves; how do we get out of here? …because we are in danger. But there is a question that intelligent people in crisis must articulate in due time, how did we get here? How do we prepare for a similar crisis, either to avoid it or to defeat it? In this light, a crisis represents an opportunity. The permanent critical situation of Africa in every crisis is an opportunity to ask ourselves so many questions.
Shall we always be the suffering people?
Shall we always beg from others?
Are we always going to be the laughing stock of the world?
Shall others always decide for us and direct our destiny?

For some strange reasons, Africa seems an orphaned people.
We are a people orphaned of their wise fathers because they either went home too early or were brutally wiped off the face of the earth, not by a virus but by some evil master minders.

Africa is a people orphaned of big brothers, because they are either silent, silenced, or easily bought over.

Africa is orphaned of godfathers because everyone uses her but no one recognizes her worth.
Africa is orphaned of leadership, we have slave masters on payroll, they work for a master that is neither you nor I, nor themselves, they sell us to the first bidder, not even to the highest.
Africa is orphaned of social welfare or security systems, health benefits, retirement benefits (after decades of back aching toil).
We are orphaned of basic amenities like water, roads, electricity and even the most vital and dignifying, mother of all prosperity, good jobs. Why? Because we are orphaned of leadership both at government and civil levels. We all, civil servants and civil operators are accomplices of a failed and corrupt system.
The question is, how much longer shall we be always complaining? For how much longer can the African people stand this situation before the worse happens? Who do we expect to put an end to this?
As the orphans that we are, we have no one else but ourselves.
Our only opportunity is to fight it out on our own if we ever hope to make it anywhere. We need grass root leadership, resistance and resilience.
We need a new kind of leadership, ourselves.
We need a new mentality. That is how to prepare for another crisis. That is how to avoid another crisis. That is how to defeat any other crisis. That is how to start moving out of The Crisis because Africa hasn’t got one and then another crisis, Africa is in crisis. This means that our situation is critical.
We need Self Love, Self-Pride, Self-Respect and Dignity to forge a way out of our crisis situation.
Others have built atomic and nuclear bombs. Others have gone to the moon. But all I ask of ourselves fellow Africans is to build our minds.
We need to stop being belly and mouth minded. Greed is our destruction and it shall be our grave. We need a mental revolution.

Understand it, a people that depend on others for everything is a people at risk. Africa and Africans, we are at risk of extinction...Any day, any time, other people will decide to extinct our race or make us completely useless. We are giving away too much of ourselves, our energy and mental strength and resources. We have to be able to say enough is enough.
I am not asking you to start another war. We have had enough wars and they haven't taken us anywhere. Wars only benefit the warlords, who most often, are far away from where wars are fought.
We have to rethink, we have to re-strategize, we have to build on our strength, our solidarity.
In the words of the ancestor...Bob Marley, “Africa Unite”!
As of now, I ask you to do only one thing, tell yourself, I AM A PROUD AFRICAN AND I CAN HAVE IT AND DO IT MY WAY.
If we not only repeat this so many times but really end up believing it, if we don't already do, then we will start walking the talk. Africa Arise and Shine!
_T.V. King.


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